Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Let It Go

In all aspects of life we see nature reminding us that letting things go or moving on is constant. Our season's transition and with each one we must prepare our mindset for leaving a comfortable place and becoming vulnerable to what comes next. What's my point? Point is that your child will grow up and move on and letting him/her go is healthy. Men and women come in and out of your life and no matter how much you want them to be more in than out...some of them will move on.

A great teacher once taught me that what you love the most, must be freed and part of the point of having that person remain free is to receive the gift in returning. If it is meant for that special loved one to return, they will and when it isn't...its not a loss if you keep the lessons. It is far greater to have freedom love than enslaved love. Freedom love allows for individuality, it allows for honesty, it communicates clear enough for comprehension and needed space for growth. Enslaved love has restraints/conditions, it manipulates, omits the truth for personal gain, mind games occur just to keep you in the loop of a false sense of love and being monitored constantly may occur. Beauty about this life is we can make a choice once we are clear. Make sure you do your best to keep your relationships healthy and when a loved one goes in or will still wish them well.

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