Are you familiar with a prenuptial agreement? In this day and age I assume most of us have some knowledge of this contract needed prior to marriage, in order to safeguard assets. Well may I be the first (I think) to propose a pre-pregnancy-nuptial agreement? Prior to pregnancy while the couple is in a happy place, plan for what would happen if the relationship dissolves. This contract could potentially protect future children from going through the pain of an absentee parent. Having consequences within the contract that are individualized may make a person think twice before being irresponsible. Not saying it will work 100% of the time but it is something to keep in mind. Some questions to ask are...who would be the primary care provider? How may hours will be shared? What happens if someone moves out of state? Will you both need to attend Doctor appointments? Raising children is so much to think about and it helps to give a realistic thought process prior to splitting atoms or sharing DNA ;)
Let us really think about it, what does greater damage, walking away from children or walking away from materials? We can recover from the loss of our home and bank accounts being at an all time low...I am not saying it's easy... but with the right mindset a person can come back having more gains in what was lost. What do you tell a child in mourning who has a mother/father that is not dead but he or she refuses to participate in sharing the ability to respond to being a "pair"rent(parent). The word PAIR is within that word for a reason, no it is not the exact spelling but within the creation of a child it takes two! Hence the word pair. Now if 1/2 of this pair is selfish what do u do? Court is not always a win/win situation. I say before you allow him or her to get caught up in the moment of lust or love...create a prepregnancynuptial. It would spare some of the ugly that comes in a break-up and it is a preventative measure. Some may read this and take heed, others may say it is a good idea but it's too much work...I say our world is evolving and it is time to be innovative in our problems surrounding families. The choice is yours!!!
Sabiya Amina
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