Monday, October 12, 2009

Compliment Him and Leave

Welcome to my insightful topic which is....drum roll please....COMPLIMENTS!

I was inspired to write about this for several reasons that I will not mention due to privacy rights..etc. Now, how many of us ladies give men compliments? I was told (by a man) that women tend not to dish-out as many as they receive. So I decided from that moment on to give brotha's compliments! Not to all men, but only a few...tha ones that I ASSUME can respectfully handle it without thinkin' more of it.
Compliments may appear in many forms but the one I am specifically focusing on is the physical handsomeness of a MAN! If I am inspired to tell a man that I think he looks good, does that automatically imply that I am interested in him? NOPE. I just wanted to pay him a compliment and leave it at that! The way I see is healthy to let another person know what you think; however, I am figuring out that not every person is mature enough to handle a compliment, and some read too far into it. Naturally, I maybe attracted to the fellow that I give a compliment to BUT I honestly do not pursue men solely based on tha physical! Why? Personally I feel that focusing completely on tha physical is a set-up b/c it can be altered(accident,pregnancy,obesity...) also the physical attraction is not going to KEEP my interest like tha mental combined with tha spiritual will.
So, what I am trying to stress is for ladies and for men...sometimes a person just likes to admire beauty and share it period! 8 times outta 10 if tha person doesn't know you and you receive a compliment then consider it as a boost in your Ego but not a pursuit for marriage:)

At least that's my style...others may use it as an intro to pushin' up on someone and I say... great, do your thang!

That's all folks!

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