Monday, November 14, 2016

Women and Girls Differ!

Many Men still want girlfriends! I am just reminding you that what you say, is typically what you get. 
After a certain point in your maturation we must realize that a Woman and a girl are totally different. Girls can be expected to have many insecurities, doubt their abilities and do not have a good sense of who they are nor what it is they bring to the offering table. A Womb(man) knows exactly what she needs, already has had experiences to validate who she is and typically adds to the offering table. A man may find himself teaching a girl more and with women it should be balanced enough to trade lessons. Be ready to grow when you approach a balanced woman, she typically does not have time for games since she actually has goals to accomplish. Girls can be confusing and all over the place because they are not fully developed. We know that we have exceptions to the rule...awesome girls and immature women but I am giving an overall viewpoint on how we differ. Sad thing is, girls can be as old as 50 and women can be found in their 20's. Age really does not factor into how a woman matures...experience and choices do.

So Men based upon my you want a girlfriend or a woman? You decide. (Boys attract Girls and Men attract Women).

Your Woman,


Baltimore Carnival 2016 Eyesblink Photography captures Richard's Maji Black

Head adornments
Ready for Carnival



Queen in full effect

Beauty captured


Carnival Vibes

In Motion

Diva Dvine
Freedom Dance

Mannequin Relationships

I have lived long enough to know that those we spend the most time with, will impact us in a major way! You may know couples who have been in relationships for years and even have children appearing to be happy...right? Wrong. As I have observed my past relationships (that have not served me in the best way) and some I have been privy to, I noticed something. Someone or both people did not grow! If you come into the union with 500 dollars, great self-esteem and having your life functional...when you leave in debt, doubting your esteem and broken, you might have experienced a mannequin relationship. Even if you sacrifice what your dreams are to support your partner and in turn that person does not give you the are foolish for staying in that situation.
Mannequin relationships are just for show and the presentation can appear to look rather charming. Everyone could be dressed well and go to gatherings as a unit but no one is doing the "work" that most relationships entail in order to propel the couple forward. Sometimes folks remain miserably together for many years. Perhaps one person is keeping the facade up by doing all the work meanwhile it presents itself like both people are working equally together.The attention is always placed on the outside/image of what the couple appears like as oppose to the inner qualities that keep healthy connections. Too many social media pictures with false fabricated smiles and for-the-moment hugs have us thinking all the wrong thoughts. Check your connections!
At some point when you are at a job, for a long period of time, you tend to be given more responsibilities or rise up the so called "corporate ladder". Just like in a job, when you connect with a person and it ends...both of you should be a bit more sharp in knowing who you are, improved in any weaknesses and more confident in what you can bring into the next relationship. Not torn down, used and fed up!
It's time we do things with precision. Start setting personal goals and even goals for the couple. If you keep them realistic/obtainable and can't reach the goals, then that is a good way to tell if you should continue that relationship or let it go. Who says you have to be married to have relationship goals? The way we do things nowadays people are in relationships just as long as marriages, so it makes perfect sense to treat it seriously. I am not a relationship expert but I have had my share and lend my perspective. Perhaps Mannequin relationships work for settle for will not grow and you keep it real basic. If that is what you like, so be it. However, for those that need growth and productive connection not matter how brief, consider an unconventional method. I would rather walk away from a relationship feeling like we met some goals, I have improved on some level and it was not a complete waste of my life. That's just me though, hope you enjoyed my thoughts.